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Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behaviour of the various functional modules of the computer and how they interact to provide the processing needs of the user.
Buku ini terdiri dari teori, tips, trik dan tutorial software gratis.
A computer will do the work for you quickly and easily
This book is to illustrate the principles of computer organization by using a number of extensive examples drawn from commercially available computer
The increased use of computers in nonnumeric applications such as text processing requires the presentation of new concept in the handling of nonnumeric data
In the Sixties a control engineer had to master analog computing technology because of its use in analog computers in the simulation of control systems and as a major tool for computations
The intent of the book is to let the student see the principles behind various machine-language features and understand the alternatives available to the computer designer
This edition of the book includes major recent computer developments such as microprocessors, IC memories, interfacing a microcomputer or a minicomputer, and several new computers.
The digital area continues to undergo rapid change, making necessary the revision of books covering digital circuitry and digital computers.